Bodypositivity is one of the buzzword these days. Often mentioned, much discussed and there are quite a few questions on it. I often get questions from readers and sometimes have the feeling not to be the biggest help. I always was fine with my body and never had the feeling or the urge to hide. I had the right friends and probably got the right amount of self-confidence from my parents, and was raised that worth does not depend on the appearances.
Of course I also had some problems with my body and there are things I don’t like about myself. But all in all I am ok – also with my weight. Most of the time I was angry because I didn’t find the clothes I wanted – but a lot has happened in recent years and the range of Plus Size Fashion for men is getting bigger and bigger.
I know that I was lucky not to be a victim of bullying, body shaming and fat bashing. Unfortunately, I know many other stories – which makes me very sad. It simply may never get so far that people feel as described in the article “Suicide thoughts and depression – out of frustration on one’s own body”. I’m fine with myself – but I don’t wake up every morning and find myself great or lovable. Self-love and bodypositivity is not a “permanent stupid grinning feeling” – but a basic confidence is incredibly important.
My main intention here on the blog is to show that even a big guy can be dressed well, cool, trendy, hip – whatever, you name it – and have fun with fashion. That’s why I was immediately into the idea when MANNSCHAFT MAGAZIN started a call for a shooting for an article about feeling good in one’s own body.
“Sich rundum im eigenen Körper wohlfühlen, ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Denn wir leben in einer Welt, in der das Streben nach Perfektion allgegenwärtig ist. Einer Welt, in der Menschen unerfüllbaren Idealen hinterhereifern und teilweise daran zerbrechen. Wenn es um unser äusseres Erscheinungsbild geht, sind wir oft kritischer als als jeder Literatur- oder Filmrezensent. Psychische Störungen wie Depression, Essstörungen oder Suizidgedanken sind nicht selten Folge dieses übertriebenen Körperkults.”
This is how Martin Busse’s report with pictures by Susanne Erler begins in the current issue of MANNSCHAFT MAGAZIN. Pants down for more acceptance was the motto of the shooting. Three other men and I are standing in front of the camera in our underpants. Four men who apparently don’t correspond to the current beauty ideals or typical male images that are in everybodys mind. Nevertheless, those are beautiful pictures. Simple, pure and expressive. Many thanks for that!Translated with
This is my own favorite picture from the shooting:
The naked truth – strong yet vulnerable. With all edges, curves and wrinkles. Just simply me. Just like I think I amcompletely ok, how I like myself, how others like me, accept, tolerate, hate or love me. No perfect light setting, no team of stylists and hair & make up artists, as I know it from model jobs. Everything as it is and I think it’s just right.
I hope that these pictures and the article can help others who cannot yet accept themselves, who are dissatisfied with their bodies and therefore do not live the life they should live and love. Bodypositivity – a small word that means so much. To be positive about oneself and one’s body. Without pressure from outside that becomes pressure from inside.
Accept your Extra-Inches – love yourself!
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