The content of “Extra-Inches – Male Plus Size Blog” is all about plus size fashion for men – enriched with some tips about grooming, beard care and lifestyle topics. This blog is for men who carry some extra inches on their hips and bellies and sometimes struggle to find the clothes they want to wear or don´t have ideas on how they can style the pieces they already have in their closets.
My goal is to provide plus size outfit ideas and fashion inspirations for big and tall men. I show outfits that I wear myself, and show my tastes – nothing I post is a rule or regulation they are there to provide inspiration and show what kinds of outfits you can create, even if you are a plus sized guy. Sometimes my outfits are a bit over the top, sometimes just casual. I use fashion to express myself and to express my mood. Everybody has different tastes and should wear what he feels comfortable in.
The range of clothing offered in plus sizes doesn’t make it easy to wear what you want and makes it hard to find what you see in shops, newsletters or the media. You often have to search for the items to recreate an outfit that you might have seen in a shop window, but more and more brands recognize that even big and tall men have a hunger for fashion and brands have an obligation to provide cool, trendy and fashionable pieces in their collections.
There is no real definition to what size plus size is. I am lucky enough to sometimes find pieces that fit in shops on the high street (like H&M), but most of the things in my closet are ordered online – the choice is much bigger there. Because of that, I want to provide shopping links to as many brands, and shops, that carry larger sizes as possible. This might not always be a brand I would wear myself, or a shop where I might buy something, but as already mentioned, everyone has a different taste and something that might not be a thing for me, might be just something you have been looking for. As I live in Germany, most of the links and shops are from Germany or at least deliver to Germany. If you click on a link and this shop is also available in your country, you should automatically be redirected to your country´s page by your browser.
I love fashion and it´s fun for me to dress well. Even if you don´t wear the conventional sizes and you need XXL, XXXL or how ever many Xs there might be, you can also have fun with fashion! It´s just a bit more work to find the right shops to buy the things you need. Don´t listen to people who might tell you what you can´t wear – wear what you want and enjoy it!
The fashion industry is changing and more menswear is provided in bigger sizes. Previously you mostly got only business wear or basics in bigger sizes, but now the range and variety of different styles is huge. What used to be just “menswear in big sizes”, is now “male plus size fashion” – which is how it should be! (Although one day it will hopefully just be called “fashion” with no emphasis on size!)
p.s: I started this blog in December 2015 – only in German – the English version has been available since February 2017. I will not translate all older posts, but from now on all posts will be in German and English.
Hope you’ll enjoy it and get some inspiration out of it! Fashion is fun!
Model Booking via KULT Model Agency Hamburg
If you want to know more about me, you will find some reports about me and my work and interviews with me and some articles I´ve been mentioned in, in the press area.